- Questions for Background and Content shall be answered as a team
- Each question will be given out to all teams together.
- Answers will be selected by lap tops placed on the teams’ table.
- There will be 3 rounds of questions of 3 levels of difficulty. (1 question/level)
- Each team can choose to answer all questions or stop answering at any level.
- Each level will have ascending points, 5 pts, 10pts and 15pts.
- If any question of each round is answered wrongly all points for that set will be forfeited.
- All teams will have 30sec to answer each question.
“Historical and Geographical facts” and “Interpretation”
- Questions for “Historical and Geographical facts” and “Interpretation” will be asked to the 4 participants’ one at a time.
- Participants will take turns to answer the questions posed to them.
- The questions will be read once and will be displayed on the screen.
- After the reading, the participant is given a maximum of 1 minute to answer the question.
- No discussions among participants are allowed.
- In that one minute the participant may choose to open the question to the group by declaring “Open to Group” and the group may discuss and answer the question in the same 1 minute.
- The participants are not allowed to refer to the Bible during the quiz.
- The questions will be answered orally.
- TEN (10) points will be awarded for each correct answer.
- FIVE (5) points if the group answers.
Memory verses
- Memory verses will be written on the specially prepared paper that will be handed out to the participants during the quiz.
- No discussions among participants are allowed.
- TWO (2) minutes is given to all participants.
- There will be a team and floor event for memory versus from any part of the I Timothy (Jumbled Memory Verse).
- All will be given a group of words to arrange the selected portion of I Timothy.
- A total of 2 minutes will be given and the judges will allot points similar to the memory versus below.
- For the memory verses, each memory verse question carries a maximum of 20 points.
- 0.5 points will be deducted for every word or punctuation mistake.
- Each center is to provide one judge to assist in checking the memory verse.
Floor Questions.
- There will be questions for the floor in all categories except memory verse where the centers can discuss and answer.
- These answers will be written and sent back to the judges for marking.
- The floor will be allocated 15 mins to complete all questions.
Points Mining
There will be a Final Session called “Points Mining” Session.
All the teams and the floor will be given 50 questions to answer in 2 min, all right answers will receive 1 point.
The decision of the Quiz Master is final.
0 Shout outs..!:
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