Thursday 27 May 2010


Hey guys and girls! This week is a long weekend and many of you are having exams. *panic* but anyway, dun fret! We'll be continuing on our youth meetings again very soon starting the school holidays! We'll be on top gear for our Copa IBA practice sessions soon! Remember, Copa IBA's details are:

Venue: REAL Sports Arena, Klang
Time: 7.30a.m. - 5.00p.m.

Captainball (U15 & U23) - 13 players, 8 onfield
Futsal (U15, U18 & U23) - 8 players, 5 onfield

So do invite your friends to come and have practice sessions with us! Details of practice session will be updated here soon! Study well for your exams! Make your parents proud! =D We'll all be praying for you all!

Thursday 20 May 2010

Exam Week.. Study study.. no youth this week..

hey guys!! and gals!! this week, the 22nd of may.. there is no youth due to the mid-year examinations. have fun n study hard!! So that you'd get good results and don't forget to glorify God !! :)
Remember, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
God bless you n All the best-est!! :D

Thursday 13 May 2010

Youth Meeting!

Hello peeps!

There's youth meeting this week @ Uncle Kevin Ho's place in Damansara Jaya. This week, we'll be having a special guest with us from UK. Come over and show your hospitality to our special guest, Stephen! He will be sharing with us on his life in UK and how he made important decisions of his after school life! Do not miss this chance to learn something new! Remember to bring your friends along okay? Be there at:

Uncle Kevin's place @ Damansara Jaya @ 4pm!
Transportation call 
Uncle Michael @ 012-3165167 / Esther Chu @ 012-2182090!

Take care y'all! =)

Monday 3 May 2010

Youth Camp 2010

Hey People,

We have already confirmed the dates and venue for YOUTH CAMP 2010!! Weeeee...! :D

Venue : MBS Kundang, Rawang
Date : 17th - 20th December
We will update the rest of the details once we confirm things.

But most importantly,
BOOK their DATES & also YOURS!
See you there!!

Our Prayer & Praise Corner

  • Pray for this years Copa IBA's team that we will be able to send at least 3 teams this year!
  • Pray for our youth group, pray for commitment and pray for our Saturday Youth Meetings.
  • Pray for our friends who have left us for their studies - Amelia, Dawn, Shaun,& Janice, Esther and Tze Lin...
  • For any prayer items please contact Esther- OR Ian- via e-mail or MSN Messenger.
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