Tuesday 30 May 2006

With blessings and encouragement

Just wanted to write a little about the David Sanborn’s “Song of the Shepherd” musical. For those who missed it due to exams or whatever reasons, I hope this sharing will bless and encourage you as it did for me.

The musical was a captivating 1 hour 30 minutes one-man show. David sang and danced throughout the whole musical, representing different characters….admired his stamina and loved his hilarious interpretation of Goliath! He used different impersonations of celebrities to represent the different characters of the story. And being once the lead male star of the “West Side Story musical”, Tony, sometimes I could catch a glimpse of “Tony” in “King David”.

The ‘Song of the Shepherd’ is about the rise and fall of King David and also most importantly the restoration of King David. And God called King David “a man after God’s own heart”….did you know that David is mentioned most often in the Bible besides Jesus? What was so special about David? That humble little shepherd boy who rose to become the King of Israel never forgot who God is. And even though he strayed, he was quick to repent and seek forgiveness. It’s not about how great we are or how perfect we are….it’s about how great God is. And this great God wants our hearts.

After the performance David asked this simple question that echoed through my mind,

When we spend time with God, do we do it like we are doing God a favour? Do we say to God, “See, I’m sacrificing an hour of my time to do my quiet time. So I expect to be rewarded for this ?

or do we think what a privilege it is to be able to talk to God anytime. If you forgot how much God went through to give you that privilege, go watch “The Passion of Christ” again.

Lastly, David shared about his father who became a quadriplegic after a surfing accident.
"A quadriwachamacallit???"

Basically the condition Christopher Reeves was suffering, that was what happened to his father. He was paralyzed from the neck downwards and totally depended on others for his needs. If he had an itch, someone had to scratch it for him.

When the doctor spoke to his father about accepting his condition, his father responded and said,

“I will accept whatever God has given to me. If it is His will for me to remain like this for the rest of my life, I accept it.”

It was tough taking care of his father months after months, knowing now that his father couldn’t go trekking in the jungle anymore to share the Good news to the unreached.

One day the doctor came for a follow up counselling session with his father to make sure that his father has not been entertaining suicidal thoughts.

So his father said, “Only God has the right to decide when I should die. I don’t believe it is right for me to take my own life. But I have one question for you doctor…”

“You counsel patients like me about suicidal thoughts. What do you expect quadriplegic like me to do? Hold my breath???!!!”

Gosh! I love his father’s sense of humour. Today, his father jogs five miles a day, still goes jungle trekking to share the Good news to the unreached. You can read his testimony in his book called “Walking Miracle” from YWAM office. Btw it was sold out by the time I reached the book table…

With blessings,

1 Shout outs..!:

Anne said...

I'll let my brother parents know that you were blessed. If you want to order the book online you can do so at: http://www.sanborns.org/index_ae.html (since it is overseas it is probably best to email them and ask them the cost.)

Our Prayer & Praise Corner

  • Pray for this years Copa IBA's team that we will be able to send at least 3 teams this year!
  • Pray for our youth group, pray for commitment and pray for our Saturday Youth Meetings.
  • Pray for our friends who have left us for their studies - Amelia, Dawn, Shaun,& Janice, Esther and Tze Lin...
  • For any prayer items please contact Esther- estheryunsing@gmail.com OR Ian- iancmk@gmail.com via e-mail or MSN Messenger.
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