Friday 7 March 2008

8 March 2008

There will be NO YWAP Meeting this Saturday 8th March due to the Parliamentary Elections. YWAP Meeting will resume on 15th March with BOWLING. Make sure you bring socks or wear socks for next YWAP meeting. We will meet in Church before adjourning to the Bowling Alley somewhere.... See you all next Saturday at 4pm.

0 Shout outs..!:

Our Prayer & Praise Corner

  • Pray for this years Copa IBA's team that we will be able to send at least 3 teams this year!
  • Pray for our youth group, pray for commitment and pray for our Saturday Youth Meetings.
  • Pray for our friends who have left us for their studies - Amelia, Dawn, Shaun,& Janice, Esther and Tze Lin...
  • For any prayer items please contact Esther- OR Ian- via e-mail or MSN Messenger.
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