Thursday 3 February 2011

Chinese New Year

Hello! This rabbit is here to wish you a Happy Chinese New Year! =P

The days leading up to Chinese New Year has been filled with rigorous cleaning of our houses for most of us. Many would be too busy cleaning and redecorating. And then on the first few days of Chinese New Year, we will not dare pick up the broom or mop to clean. This is because many Chinese believe that cleaning during the first few days of Chinese New Year would mean sweeping away the fortune for the year ahead. It is believed that what we do on these few first days of the Chinese New Year would affect the rest of the year ahead. Therefore, many rituals and traditions are being upheld to ensure a prosperous year. Many believe that what you do and how you act during these time is important in determining how the rest of your year will go.

In the Bible, Peter also gives us certain rituals and traditions to ensure our Christian life to be spiritually prosperous. Read 1 Peter 2:1-17 and 1 Peter 1:13-25.

In these passages, Peter urges us to live a life of holiness. He calls us to clean up our acts and attitudes which is much like cleaning up our spiritual house. He encourages us to live a life of love and respect.

In chapter 1 verse 23, Peter relates being a Christian to be born again or born anew; like newborn babies. Most newborn babies don't really care much about anything except their food. They crave for milk. And for us Christians, we crave for spiritual milk. Spiritual milk that gives spiritual nourishment that will lead to growth in Christ.

Where can we find this milk? I'm glad you asked. It's in the Bible. To you reading the Bible may seem boring, something you do not look forward to. Maybe this is because you do not know what you need. The only one who knows is Him who gave you life. So, when you read your Bible, look to God and open your heart to Him and whatever it is He wants to tell you. Ask Him to guide you to the passage where He wants to tell you something. Open your ears and just be quiet and listen. Listen to Him.

To grow in Christ is to grow with Christ. To know Him more and more and to want to be like Him. To strengthen your relationship with Him. For only when we are close to Him do we feel the peace that we've come know. Though your heart and flesh may fail. That there is an anchor for your soul and you can say that "It is well."

Are we willing to do a little personal house cleaning to ensure a life full of His peace and prosperity? Do we have that hunger for the God's Word like new born babies craving milk?

0 Shout outs..!:

Our Prayer & Praise Corner

  • Pray for this years Copa IBA's team that we will be able to send at least 3 teams this year!
  • Pray for our youth group, pray for commitment and pray for our Saturday Youth Meetings.
  • Pray for our friends who have left us for their studies - Amelia, Dawn, Shaun,& Janice, Esther and Tze Lin...
  • For any prayer items please contact Esther- OR Ian- via e-mail or MSN Messenger.
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