Friday 26 May 2006

BBQ 27 MAY 2006

HI - Some quick update on BBQ Nite this saturday-

  1. It's at Kevin Ho's house in Damansara Jaya (it's near KDU).
  2. Those of you who needs transport, meet at the church by 6.30pm! Those who can avail transport (ie got space in your car), please meet at the church also by 6.30pm. For those who can arrange car-pooling with your friends or friends' parents but need directions to Kevin's House - can call me or Kevin or Andrew or Tze Yuen or Eu Chung or Ian or Crystal or Eunice for directions....don't call Agnes (you'll end up in Ipoh!)
  3. Food is prepared - BUT if you want to contribute food & drinks & salad& whatever, you can coordinate with Andrew or Kevin or Tze Yuen or Eu Chung or Ian or Crystal or Eunice....So far got beef, pork, sausages, fried meehoon, drinks, fruits, salad.... you are welcome to contribute soft drinks, agar-agar, crisps, cake, junk food...(if not enough Kevin will go tapau chow farn!)
  4. The BBQ ends at 11pm - please let your dad/mum/baby sitter/guardian know...
  5. Dress casual - NO ties, long sleeve shirts and formal dresses allowed.
  6. Ask and Bring your friends - ALL ARE WELCOME. (But we appreciate if you can let Andrew or Kevin or Tze Yuen, or Ian or Eu CHung or Crystal or Eunice know so that WE ALL know food is enough!
Let's Have fun....

1 Shout outs..!:

Anonymous said...

I want to go but I have no transport! Not even to church!

Our Prayer & Praise Corner

  • Pray for this years Copa IBA's team that we will be able to send at least 3 teams this year!
  • Pray for our youth group, pray for commitment and pray for our Saturday Youth Meetings.
  • Pray for our friends who have left us for their studies - Amelia, Dawn, Shaun,& Janice, Esther and Tze Lin...
  • For any prayer items please contact Esther- OR Ian- via e-mail or MSN Messenger.
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